HomeMLS Usage InstructionsCustom ReportsRanking Report

6.2. Ranking Report

1) Log in to FlexMLS at http://cr.flexmls.com


2) Click on the MENU button on the upper left of the screen find the “Statistics” category, and click “Inventory & Production”.


3) Click on “Ranking Report” then choose Run Report.


(Optional) Choose what criteria you want to filter by geography and other kinds of information.


4) At the bottom of the page, enter the date frame you want to do a ranking for.


4) At the bottom of the page, select “Next”


6) Click the “Next” button


7) Choose your grouping method.


8) Click the “Use This Selection” button


9) Choose the output types you’d like to see in your Ranking Report. This is how the data sets will be sorted.


10) Click the “Next” button  


11) Choose the criteria you’d like to run the ranking. You can run totals by listing side, selling side or both combined. You can also change the setting to show just the first 10, 100, 1000, etc members. – Note, that a higher # of options will require a longer run time for the report.


12) Click the “Next” button


11) Let the Ranking Report load before attempting to print


12) If you’d like to change any of the settings after you run the report, just hit the back button on your browser enough times to get back to the area you need to change, then use the buttons within the page to move forward again to re-run the report.

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