HomeListing SupportListing CorrectionsModifying Square footage

2.1. Modifying Square footage

MLS Policy requires the Sq Ft Documented field to be accurate for all listings. The listing agent must provide proof of taxable square footage from a professional source to the MLS within 15 days from the entry date. You must provide this proof by email in PDF format or by FAX. You cannot update the listing's Sq Ft Documented yourself. The field is locked after the initial entry.   

You will continue to receive this notification for 15 days or until the field is updated by MLS staff. After 15 days, the listing agent will receive a Data Maintenance Fee for late entry of Sq Ft Documented. This policy applies to all Residential and Res Rental listings.   


MLS staff must update the Sq. Ft. Documented field for you based upon the source document you provide. Acceptable source documents include county auditor's records, appraisals, builder statements, and floor plans provided by a builder, architect, or licensed appraiser. Please submit these documents to MLS so your listing can be updated immediately. You may submit documentation as a PDF by email or FAX.

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